Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tests and More TESTS

The things the Doctors make us go through. On Wednesday i had to visit the hospital to do my diabetes screening test. This test tells them how my body obsorbs sugar. The first thing i noticed on the sheet was, DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO EAT AFTER 12pm. I was like laawd jeezas, dem trying to kill mi off or something?. How dem gonna tell a pregnant woman she cannot eat? i started thinking how much my head was gonna hurt and how my belly would embarrass mi by cussing mi out loudly in the people dem place.

The thing about this test is, i had to get my blood drawn first, then drink glucose, which tasted obsolutely horrible, YUKKKK. It was extra FIZZY and Sweet and just had this horrible taste to it. Can you imagine the first thing dem give mi so bright and early in the morning was some taste bad drinks? Steeeeeups. After forcing myself to drink that bottle of nastiness i had to sit around and wait for a hour for a next blood test. Thank God i brought a book with me or else it would have been the longest wait of my life. The lab tech took my blood and i had to go back to the 2nd floor ( maternity floor) to get my shot.

You see, when you go to your first OBGYN appointment, they will have you do these test and one of them tells you your blood type. This is really important cause your blood type plays a big roll. I didn't know all this untill i was told i'm O-. This means, if Kwame's blood type is positive so is the "Queen Mother's". The "queen mother" is not in harms way but the future babies would be if this goes untreated. What would happen is, should the baby get a bruise while making her grand intrance into this world, her blood would get into my system and my body would detect it as foreign, develop antibodies right away and distroy it. If this goes untreated, my future babies could be brained damage because of anemia or worse dies. SOOOOO i have to get a Rhogam (Rh immuno globulin) shot, right on the butt cheek. This was my first ever butt shot and i must say it wasn't bad at all. This Rhogam shot isn't my last one, i have to get one 72 hours after delivery and the baby will also get tested to see if she has a positive or negative blood type.

I think they were wicked to send me to triage department lol. I had to sit and watch the women twisting up there bodies in all kind alphabetical letters cause they were in serious pain. It was fun hearing the many babies heart beats. But maaan it was nice hearing the screams when the labour pains lick de women. I guess the nurse saw the horrific look on my face and she smile and said " u are next" lol. In my head i was like you people might want to kick me out on the street when the pain hits me and whatever drugs i ask for at the time you would gladly give it with no hesitation lol.

I was soooo happy to bounce on out of there cause laawd geez man de oman dem face didn't look propah at alllll when de pain was kicking their asses.

Guys, i am terrified. I scurrred bad, bad badddddd.


  1. Um missy you just scared me... I am still trying to wrap my head around this blood thing..

  2. Awwwww you'll be fine. Just try and not think about it.

  3. Like I said before, I hope you imagine a pain so horrific that what you actually go through is a breeze!

    You can do iiiiiiiiiiiit!!! I would say I wish I was there to hold your hand, but ummm I like being able to have the use of my fingers:)
