Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ortho Visit

Monday i visited the orthodontist. Sigh, i cannot wait to get these damned things off my teeth. I am tired of eating on one side. I swear i have mastered the art of eating on my front teeth. The worse part about it is when i accidently chew on the side that is being worked on, it friggin hurts to the point i just want to dash weh the food. The good thing about it though, i can see the progress and i am extemely hopeful that they will come off at the end of the year. I don't think i want to be caught with braces on my 2nd 29th birthday, it just wouldn't be right lol.

LOl, i think 2008 was breeding season. First my hygenist revealed to me that she is pregnant and due in May. This visit, she tells me the whole office breeding, i was like what the hell? She says it must be the water, i had to let her know that i doh drink water, my water has to have colour in it and smells like rubbing alcohol or something stronger than that. I know, i know, i'm a rum head. Sigh, I cannot wait to taste rum on my tongue.


  1. I'm laughing at the thought of you drunk on the delivery table..."baby out, gimme some ruuuuuum!"
