Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Libido where are you?

I've looked everywhere for you, under the tables, the couches, every crivice and corner but i just cannot find you. Please come back. PLEAAAAASE.

Pregnancy is a bitch eh, my sexual appetite was normal untill clear blue made the answer to the question i've been pondering very CLEAR. After dat!!!! the urge to have sex gradually disappeared, i don't even remember what it feels like to be horny. I read the baby book and it did warn me but golly it didn't tell me that the word "sex", would make me cringe or want to vomit, LITERALLY.

Now i know how those ladies that have been circumcised feel. NUMB. I can't even touch my damn self (yes i said it, unuh stop act like unuh nuh play wid unuh self) cause it have no feeling down there, that crap is depressing.

I especially felt bad for Kwame cause that was a drastic change and you know men, they act like they will die if they go a week without it. Get all antzy and frustrated like a hardcore crack head.

I had hope though, because the book told me that second trimester i'd become a nympho, not in those exact words but. Uhmmmm, second trimester is over and i am still in underdrive. Watch me concentrating real real hard to see if i was getting a lil tingle down there. Tingle my ass, obviously that book wasn't refering to Orica's case.

Don't get me wrong, we still do the nasty but i'm still waiting for that nymphish feeling they discribed in the book and i am tired of hearing or reading how great sex is for people during pregnancy and oh i want him everywhere all the time. Keep allyuh shit to yourself. LOl yes i'm drinking some strong haterade right now.

I still have hope, i gots 15 mo weeks to go so and i will be home all day waiting.

P.S...Sorry Kwame, Kristen did tell mi to write EVERYTHING and not to leave out any DETAILS lol. On a serious note, thank you for being a trooper.


  1. absolutely no comment....and i eh sympathising wid yuh......

    what is sex again????

  2. Hush yah..Its ok some people who not even pregnant nah get none either.. Fyah Bun pon di people getting some...
