Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Could i have swollowed the.....?

Wanna hear a funny story?

I think it was sometime in October. I had dinner at my mom's house but for some reason the food that i was craving so much (bush food; yam, banana's) wasn't agreeing with my stomach. I brought it all up aroud 8pm and my throat started to hurt so i went to bed. I woke up around 1:30 am vomiting again. It felt as if something was stuck in my throat and as a result of that i couldn't breathe as each time i breathe or try to speak it would hurt.

Kwame took me to the emergency room and i over exaggerated to the nurse a bit, just a tad bit, that i couldn't breathe, i mean i wasn't going to colapse or anything but i didn't want to be there forever, plus my throat was really hurting. The word triage will always stick in my head when it comes to emergency ( placing patients in priority sequence). Your case is considered emergency if you are bleeding to death or if you are having respiratory porblems.

So anyways before seeing a doctor i saw like 3 different nurses, I HATE it when i am not told what is going on. They just come and do what they gotta do and go back to chatting while i am dying ( or so i thought at the moment).

I did say there was a funny part to this story right? nuh worry man it ah come. So while i was sitting there grabbing my throat and trying to squeeze all the blood out of kwame's hands i remembered reading on baby center that my baby was probably the size of a medium shrimp ( i forget how many weeks i was at the time). So in my state of madness i started thinking, "what if .......uhmmm....what if it's the baby that is stuck in my throat"?. HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. YES, People it crossed my mind i know, shameful. I know that it is not humanly possible but it crossed my mind. All yuh now beleive mi when i tell yuh i'm like public lunatic #1?. I couldn't even laugh at the thought, not because it was a stupid thought but because my poor throat was in serious pain. I almost shared the stupidity with Kwame but i kept my mouth shut because that would be more ammunition for him. I think he would laugh at me so hard and tell the whole world, so i kept to myself, untill now. I just remembered couple days ago and burst out laughing. Not quiet sure what de hell was going through my head.

I finally got to see the doctor and he gave me some kind of peptobismol. In my head i was like doofus i didn't tell you i have heart burn but i swollowed it anyway. Didn't help me non plus the strep test came back negative and they sent me home. I ended up with a sore throat for couple days.


  1. Ok seriously! I have tears streaming down my face! Aww man, friggin hilarious!

  2. only u...steups...

    u iz ah real clown u know....and we love yuh still ...
    yuh trini sis

  3. Lol i blame it all on the baby center i tell ya. Had they not mentioned that the baby was the size of a medium shrimp i'm quiet sure it wouldn't cross my mind lol.

    It's nice when i can laugh at myself. That shit was hilarious to me, even now.

    I love me.

  4. OMG.. Orica.. You have me in tears.. I cannot get past is the baby stick in my throat LMFA.. You are mental i swear...

  5. LMAO!!! Gyal you killing me here yes. Save hard copies of these so the baby can read later please...lol
