Sunday, February 22, 2009

Pregnancy Bliss

You guys have heard my many complaints but honeslty guys this pregnancy thing is not so bad at all. It's just like everything in life, the good comes with the bad. I thank God though that i have had more good than bad. Personally, think it is fun, specially over the past couple weeks. I might complain that i am wearing exhaustion on my face and that body parts hurt but honestly i am enjoying this. Sometimes i cannot believe that i love someone soo much and i have never met them. If i love her off so much now, imagine when she gets here and when she smiles at me? (u know i just shed a tear right? Stinkin hormones i tell ya).

Not only is it amazing to watch my body transform but it is also awesome when i feel movements in my belly and the way the baby reacts to certain noise. I watched my belly go from a pancake to an oversized breadfruit (if u don't know what a breadfruit is, google is yuh friend lol). I have also graduated from the Itty Bitty Committee lol, i have boobies now. The interesting part is what they will look like after breast feeding. I've already decided to put away some silicone funds cause i know for a fact that cannot live with deflated balloons as breast.

The lil girl is getting stronger and i can tell she is quickly outgrowing her space so much so that when she moves my belly moves from side to side and i can see lil body parts sticking out. I love when her body parts stick out lol we play hide and go seek, i'll feel the area and she disappears and go somewhere else and so on and so on. I'm a nerd you might be saying but i find it fun and i'll sit there and laugh too, uh huh lol. She is really active when i play certain music (nope she doesn't act wild when i play vivaldi she is at peace then) and when i am in the bathtub she goes crazy when the water is running( uhmm does dat mean she fraid a wata or she likes the sound? lmao), Sometimes i know when she is stretching cause my belly gets hards and stuff sticking out everywhere and it HURTS. I'm like laawd i know space is limited but have a likkle bit of consideration pon your madda nuh man? Along with her growth comes exhaustion, makes it even harder cause i'm a little person carrying a belly so i am forever drained and sleeping. Sometimes i feel absolutely lazy and worthless cause i will wake up and do nothing for the day cause all i'm doing is sleeping. Do you remember that big basement project i was going on about, well that got flushed down the toilette. I have to save all my energy cause only God knows that i need it nowadays.

All in all, i am totally enjoying my pregnancy and if you know me, i'm laughing as usual and not a complaint. I think Kwame only heard me complain once and he was like WOW, you must be feeling stuff cause i've never seen you this miserable. That lasted couple hours and i was back to being me. At this point i just want to see the chic and hear her lil cry. Sigh.....32 weeks on Thursday, 8 more to go.


  1. "If i love her off so much now, imagine when she gets here and when she smiles at me? (u know i just shed a tear right? Stinkin hormones i tell ya)."

    I guess I'm an even bigger nerd for tearing up a little after reading this lol

  2. Lol you are like a leaking Faucette, u are forever tearing up lol.
